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Building a Better Plateau: Setting Aside Tribal and Religious Differences for a United Future By Tokkit Nasara Victor


The Plateau State characterized by its diverse cultural heritage and rich history, has long been marked by tensions arising from tribal and religious differences. However, to move forward towards progress and prosperity, it is imperative to transcend these divides and work towards a united future. By fostering understanding, promoting dialogue, and embracing inclusivity, the Plateau can pave the way for sustainable development and harmonious coexistence.

 Understanding Tribal and Religious Differences:

The Plateau State is home to various ethnic groups, each with its distinct cultural practices, languages, and traditions. Additionally, religion plays a significant role in shaping the identities and beliefs of the people residing in this region. However, these differences have often been sources of conflict, leading to tension and division among communities.

 Challenges of Tribalism and Religious Intolerance:

Tribalism, fueled by historical grievances and competition for resources, has perpetuated a sense of “us versus them” mentality among different ethnic groups. Likewise, religious intolerance has led to discrimination and violence. These challenges hinder social cohesion, economic development, and overall progress in the state.

Tokkit Nasara Victor, Peace Advocate

 Promoting Unity and Inclusivity:

Building a better plateau requires a concerted effort to promote unity and inclusivity among its diverse population. This can be achieved through various strategies, including:

1. Education: Investing in education programs that promote tolerance, empathy, and respect for diversity can help challenge stereotypes and foster mutual understanding among different groups.

2. Interfaith Dialogue: Facilitating dialogue and collaboration among religious leaders and communities can promote peaceful coexistence and mutual respect for religious diversity.

3. Cultural Exchange: Encouraging cultural exchange programs and initiatives can help bridge the gap between different ethnic groups and promote appreciation for each other’s heritage and traditions.

4. Economic Empowerment: Creating economic opportunities that benefit all communities, regardless of tribal or religious affiliation, can help alleviate poverty and reduce competition over scarce resources.

5. Political Representation: Ensuring fair and inclusive political representation for all ethnic and religious groups can empower marginalized communities and promote social justice and equality.

 Case Studies and Success Stories:

There are examples from around the world where communities have successfully overcome tribal and religious divisions to build a more united and prosperous future. For instance, initiatives in Rwanda have focused on reconciliation and healing in the aftermath of the genocide, leading to increased social cohesion and economic development. Similarly, countries like Malaysia have implemented policies to promote multiculturalism and religious harmony, contributing to stability and progress in the region.


Building a better Plateau requires a collective effort to transcend tribal and religious differences and embrace unity, diversity, and inclusivity. By promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among its diverse population, the Plateau can unlock its full potential and pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for all its inhabitants.


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