Point Blank

Plateau Patriots for Accountability: The Leprous Hand Of The APC Regretting A Missed Opportunity To Serve Plateau People Diligently And Their Trepidation at Chief Ephraim Usman’s Rising Profile

When on a purposeful journey by a servant leader guided by a people-centric mission, the barking of a suicide prone dog which personal undoing clutched itself to death because of its insatiable quest for materialism is never a distraction that changes the bearing of the destination of the leader. 

In a grammatically deficient press release circulated on the social media titled: “KEY QUESTIONS EPHRAIM USMAN MUST ANSWER FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY”, the APC once buoyant with promise, now finds itself embroiled in a turbulent struggle, floundering in the tempest of political misfortune, disguised under the name ‘Plateau Patriots for Accountability’ in a characteristically lack of courage and confidence attempted to tarnish the reputation of Hon Chief Ephraim Usman, Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Plateau State.

Like a ship caught in a vicious storm, the APC, by failing to navigate the needs of Plateau State effectively, has been rendered a sinking entity, fraught with regret over missed opportunities to serve the state with distinction exposed its ignorance with groundless 5 incomprehensible posers that laboured in vain to smear the unquestionable reputation of the Hon Chief Ephraim Usman.

The anguishing cry of a party that once harboured the aspirations of Plateau people yearning for change but never fulfilled it, in the publication confirmed an open secret that the APC’s decline is not merely about a loss of political power but a footnote in a chronicle of squandered opportunities that also represents a moral dereliction to steward a state teeming with potential.

While remaining steadfast and glued on the driving seat steering the ship of Local Governments as the third tier of government under Gov Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang towards unprecedented accomplishments at the grassroots as opposed to the last administration where stinking allegations rose to the high heavens that necessitated their suspension by the State House of Assembly, glorifying the sinking ship of the APC with a response, a party which is not even courageous enough to stand by its true identity but disguised under a non-existent group, is service to humanity – curing them of chronic administrative malnourishment

The Time Is Now Mantra believes in servant leadership hence the reason why it consistently subject itself to the people for scrutiny and consequent upon this is the compelling need to educate a chronically administratively malnourished party on the workings of government and the distinction between the application of public funds and personal funds

For the records, Chief Usman, the well-regarded Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, has been a bulwark for development and a symbol of hope in a dichotomous society often marred by divisive rhetoric. This is traceable to over a decade of philanthropic gestures which include empowerment through skills acquisitions and organization of tournaments that attracted major stakeholders from the National level to Kanam Local Government.  Why the self-acclaimed group couldn’t question Chief Usman’s commitment to empowerment and peaceful coexistence then could excusable that they were engrossed in abusing the people’s goodwill in government until the Gida-gida hurricane of positive change swept the land green in 2023

Chief Usman’s recent sponsorship of fifteen Muslim faithful to Mecca on holy pilgrimage  accentuate his ingenuities that bolster the interfaith needlepoint of Plateau State, a long held ideology that has come to characterize his existence.

In the face of obvious spurious allegations and unrelenting opposition rhetoric, what cannot be doubtful is Chief Usman’s commitment to fostering unity within Plateau State. His conscious decision to sponsor pilgrimages for Muslim constituents is not merely an act of benevolence; it is a substantiation of his commitment to interfaith harmony. This nobility extends beyond religious lines and symbolizes an inclusive approach to governance that cements his position as a leader for all, regardless of faith or affiliation.

The practice of sponsoring pilgrimages, a spiritual tradition observed across the globe, is a powerful tool in fortifying social cohesion and inter-religious dialogue. Supporting individuals on their spiritual journeys promotes mutual understanding and respect. As documented in the works of scholars and famous religious leaders such as Rev Father Hassan Matthew Kukah who extolled the virtues of religious inclusiveness in Nigerian politics, Chief Usman’s gesture thus aligns well with global paradigms that advocate for religious tolerance and pluralism.

Nevertheless, this worthy act has not gone unchallenged by the opposition who are determined to mar Chief Usman’s reputation. Their strategies unfortunately included spurious allegations intended to mischaracterize his intent and actions. Despite their efforts, these attempts have failed to gain traction among the well-informed people of Plateau who are witnesses in Chief Usman’s good practices in leadership hallmarked by transparent practices that shatter the pervasive stereotype of the self-serving politician.

The disarrayed party is reminded for free that The Time Is Now transparency and accountability stood out as the only state in the country that accounted for its palliative received from the Federal Government. This naturally buries the hallucinations of the bitter losers

With the way Chief Usman’s gestures effectively translate into political currency that can build bridges across the diverse communities in Plateau State, it is understandable why the APC has lost sleep and like a drowning man, they are willing to hold onto the sharp edges of the knife.

The dejected party whose key actors are already abandoning them to join The Time Is Now Mantra should note that Chief Usman’s actions are not politically motivated. They are simply good governance practices at the core. They are about service to the community and when a leader rises above partisan interests and extends a hand across the communal divides, only then is the true principle of leadership fulfilled.

The strategic investment of Hon. Chief Ephraim Usman in the strengthening of communal ties through inclusive initiatives is a soul of visionary leadership. Where critics see controversy, the astute observer discerns a strategic approach to governance – one that embraces diversity, fosters unity, and renews the public’s faith in their political leaders.

It is thus inescapable that the campaign against Chief Usman lacks substance. The integrity of his actions shines through the smokescreen of opposition rhetoric, echoing with the timeless wisdom etched within the famous Igbese proverb, “The dog does not chew the bone attached to its neck,” alluding to the authenticity and loyalty of Chief Usman’s commitment to his office and the people he serves.

With the sponsorship of the fifteen pilgrims, Hon. Chief Ephraim Usman through his untiring sustenance of his dedication and tangible actions which predates his sojourn into government, has proven that he is indeed the shield against divisiveness in Plateau State. The accusations of diversion of public funds to sponsor the pilgrims levelled against him are bereft of substance, serving only as imagination of the opposition’s trepidation at his rising profile and the deep-seated unity he has fostered among the people of Plateau State.   

In sum, the unsubstantiated allegations against Hon. Chief Ephraim Usman are rebutted by the reality of his established business involvement preceding his government appointment, his ethical track record in both business and governance, and his alignment with Nigeria’s philanthropic culture. The philanthropic endeavour questioned is conclusively financed by personal means, circle of friends, fortified by irrefutable financial disclosures and embedded within the legal environment for ethical governance. Hon. Usman, in light of these facts, should be extolled rather than incriminated and should be studied by the opposition as the standard of integrity that he demonstrates himself to be.

®Plateau Political Frontiers

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