Point Blank

Weak Judicial System, Threat To Fight Against Terrorism and Banditry Says Former NDA Commandant, Gen Jon Temlong

…warns against the consequences of releasing criminals and terrorists in court

A Former Commandant of the Nigeria Defence Academy, Kaduna Brig Gen Jon Temlong (Rtd) has warned that all government efforts to curb insecurity will remain futile without any meaningful successes if the criminal judicial system isn’t strengthened to prosecute arrested bandits and terrorists.

The intelligent General raised the concern when he appeared on Channels TV, African’s leading TV station. He spoke against the backdrop of a worrisome revelation that “Boko Haram insurgents are released in court and subsequently engage in more heinous activities afterwards”

In an interview monitored by www.pointblack.com.ng, the visibly worried General Temlong questioned what have been done about the criminals and terrorists, he asked “have we done much about the criminal justice system?”. He made a shocking revelation that “The Chief of Defense Staff told us that when Boko Haram fighters are arrested, they are released in court.”

The Pioneer Commander of the Multi-national Joint Task Force warned of the dire consequences of such act saying “And they go back viciously to attack again. The kidnappers will threaten even the policeman”. He said the criminals even boast and mock the security agencies “they will say when you arrest me, my people will come to release me”.

Gen Temlong warned that this demoralizes the security agencies from engaging the kidnappers and terrorists knowing that their sacrifices, that even see some men paying the ultimate price, will be in vain. The former President of the Nigeria Defence Academy Alumni said “if somebody knows that if he commits an offense, he will use the proceeds of crime to go and get his colleagues, then security is a mirage”

“If truly the kidnappers who demand for ransom are not passing the money to some people in the cities who use it to live luxurious lifestyle, then the kidnappers wouldn’t have anywhere again to keep the ransom they have been collecting” said General Temlong

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