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Hon Vincent Venman Bulus “VVB”, member representing Langtang North and South in the National Assembly advocates for unity, holds Consultative Meetings and Inspects Rural Electrification Project


Hon Vincent Venman Bulus, the respected and responsible Member representing the industrious people of Langtang North and South Federal Constituency, today, 31st March, 2024 utilized the opportunity of the Easter season to greet his constituents and reiterate his clarion call for unity and progress, without which, true worship to God is impossible.

Emphasizing the significance of Easter, Hon Bulus said, “Easter is a time of celebration and renewal for Christians around the world. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the hope that his resurrection brings. It is a time to come together as a community and celebrate our shared beliefs and values. Easter is a time of unity and we must come together to achieve common goals.

Hon Vincent Venman Bulus “VVB” pointing the way forward to his constituents

“In the book of Ephesians, it says, ‘there is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all’, therefore, we must focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. As believers, forgiveness is sacrosanct”

In a chain of events, he held series of town hall meetings both in Langtang North and South LGAs. These meetings afforded the Honourable member an opportunity to interface with his constituents. Hon Bulus also inspected a solar electrification project in Langtang South, in an attempt to solve the most challenging social amenity the people of Langtang South have been struggling with.  

And the constituents trooped out en-masse to show love to their representative

The former Langtang South council boss, who is very popular amongst his constituents for his developmental strides and philanthropic gestures, is determined to engineer and oversee the infrastructural transformation of his constituency.

Also, consistent with his genuine nature of celebrating greatness and encouraging public service growth, Hon Bulus was at the thanksgiving service of Maj Gen Nansak Shagaya in Langtang North.

Gen Shagaya just like his late father was recently promoted to the rank of a Major General in the Nigerian Army after hardwork, dedication and perseverance. As a leader who encourages hardwork, Hon Bulus joined other well wishers to thank God for preserving and protecting one of his constituents. “For preserving Gen Shagaya to attend such height in the military where gallant soldiers pay dearly the supreme prize for serving their father land, it is a thing of joy. We can’t thank God enough”.  

Hon Bulus in a group photograph after one of the consultative meetings with his people

“We enjoin the General to be a good ambassador of the land and surpass the bravery, brilliance and boldness of his father, Late General Shagaya who in his chosen military career, aimed for the top and never relented until he got to the top as a General and would soon become an indispensable member of the Supreme Military Council, while joining politics, he showcased his political skills that earned him a landslide victory as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He also served our people meritoriously as an orator and an author who transferred his reservoir of knowledge to the pages of books that generations unborn will find worthy”

“On behalf of myself, our people and all well-wishers, we congratulate you on this milestone. May god protection continue to be upon you”


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