By E.H. Gambo
A drumbeat echoes through the air,
It sings of kindness, love, and care,
A soul who gave with all her might,
And made the world a brighter light.
Mother To All.
Dependable Friend.
Worthy Sister.
Community Worker.
Selfless Philanthropist.
Chief Organiser & Master Planner.
Care Giver.
Advocate Of Justice And Egalitarian Society.
Her heart is full of empathy,
For those who suffered silently,
She brought them hope and helped them cope,
Her legacy is a shining hope.
Today we celebrate an AMAZING AMAZON with a towering intellectual disposition and personality on the occasion of her birthday.
Every encounter with her is impactful with a preeminent level of humility, moral insight and a deep humanitarian affection towards everyone who comes in contact with her by always bearing the burdens of others and by so doing fulfilling the law of Christ Jesus as stated in Galatians 6vs2.
Our mother and principal, it is our fervent prayer that you’ll live-long and in good health. For every help you’ve rendered to the world, your own offsprings will be great beneficiaries of the reward and no gang-up against you shall see the light of day. AMEN.
Please friends join us celebrate this Angel in Human Form.