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A Clarion Call for Unity and Transformative Leadership: Acceptance Speech by Hon. Alh. Shagari Yusuf, the New Wase APC Chapter Chairman


My dear party members and the esteemed people of Wase,

It is with a profound sense of humility and immense gratitude that I stand before you today, having been unanimously elected as the new chairman of the Wase Local Government Area chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) around June this year and confirmed today. This honor bestowed upon me is a testament to the trust and confidence you have placed in my leadership, and I am deeply humbled by this remarkable show of support.

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the APC State Executive Committee, through our esteemed State Party Chairman, Hon. Rufus Bature, for their affirmation of the Wase LGA APC’s collective decision to replace our late party chairman. Your swift action and unwavering commitment to the democratic process have been instrumental in ensuring a smooth and transparent transition.

I am equally grateful to our party’s revered principal, Rt. Hon. Ahmed Idris Wase CON, the member representing Wase Federal Constituency and the Deputy Speaker of the 9th National Assembly. Your unwavering leadership, guidance, and dedication to inclusive democracy have been the driving force behind the reconciliation process, which has been conducted in a truly transparent and rancor-free manner. I am also thankful to Hon. Ibrahim Galadima Adamu, the member representing Wase at the State House of Assembly and the Deputy Chief Whip of the 10th Assembly, for his invaluable support and contributions in making this a truly democratic exercise, where the voice of the common man was heard and respected.

I am particularly humbled by the gesture of unity and selflessness displayed by my fellow contestants, who have withdrawn their candidacy and rallied behind my nomination. This remarkable display of Ubuntu – the African philosophy of interconnectedness and shared humanity – is a testament to the principled leadership of our dear Rt. Hon. Ahmed Idris Wase CON, whose unwavering commitment to inclusive democracy has inspired us all.

At this juncture, I would like to pay my respects and express my heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of our late chairman, whose dedication to the Wase APC chapter until the very end has left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. His legacy of service and love for our party will forever be cherished and emulated.

As I assume the mantle of leadership, I am acutely aware of the immense responsibility that comes with this role. However, with your steadfast support and the blessings of our community, I am confident that we will forge a path forward that empowers and uplifts all members of our party and the people we serve, especially as we approach the local government elections in the state.

My fellow party members, let us embrace this opportunity to showcase the true spirit of Ubuntu – of unity, empathy, and collective progress. Together, we will navigate the road ahead, uniting our diverse voices and harnessing our collective strengths to propel the Wase APC chapter into a future filled with boundless possibilities.

I am humbled by your trust, and I assure you that I will dedicate my unwavering commitment and expertise to ensuring that the Wase APC chapter becomes a shining example of democratic governance, inclusive leadership, and community-driven development.

Thank you, and may the Almighty continue to bless our beloved Wase and the great APC family.

Alh. Shagari Yusuf
Chairman, Wase Local Government Area APC Chapter
6th August, 2024


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