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A Tale of Reconciliation And Forgiveness As Gov Mutfwang Midwifes The Reunification Of The Three Wise Men; (Joshua Chibi Dariye, Simon Bako Lalong and Ahmed Idris Wase) At Joshua Dariye’s Parents Funeral


In a practical demonstration of Plateau’s spirit of unity, peace and progress, Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang’s assumed the role of a humble mediator calling for forgiveness and clemency stating that the crux of societal progress is incomplete without forgiveness as a foundational norm. Mutfwang stated this on Saturday, 16th March, 2024 in Bokkos at the funeral service of the former governor’s nonagenarian parents Pa Dariye Defwan and Kaka Saratu Dariye Defwan

Gov Mutfwang in paying glowing tribute to the departed parents recounted the poignant legacy of unconquerable spirit of relentless dedication radiating through the children they raised. He regretted the circumstance surrounding the demise of Pa Dariye Dewan saying “though it is unbearable, but as believers in Christ we must forgive and forget”

In a solemn gathering, aptly appropriate in respect of nature’s eternal rule – funeral, where thousands of mourners meandered through the throng under the veil of grief, destiny conspired and arranged an appointment for three distinctive figures, Joshua Chibi Dariye, Simon Bako Lalong and Ahmed Idris Wase.  

It will be recalled that when Chief Joshua Chibi Dariye, the Kahwun Mushere, was Governor of Plateau State, he fought the erstwhile Speaker, Rt Hon George Edward Daika to a total surrender just to pave way for his political godson, Lalong as Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, from 1999-2007. In the spirit of unity and reciprocity, Lalong stood tall in defense of Dariye from his arch political rivals who in collusion with the then President, Chief Matthew Aremu Olusegun Obasanjo wanted Dariye out as a governor.

Interwoven within this narrative is Rt Hon Ahmed Idris Wase, the Deputy Speaker of the 9th National Assembly and current member representing Wase Federal Constituency to political limelight. Wase, the then Director of Works at the State’s owned College of Education Gindiri was appointed by Dariye as the Executive Secretary of Plateau State Muslims Welfare Pilgrim Board.

Rt Hon Wase utilized this rare opportunity to launch himself into political dominance and prominence and has since gone on to carve a niche for himself on the Nigerian and West African political landscape. The once inseparable father (Joshua Dariye) and sons (Lalong and Wase) became engulfed in political brouhaha setting them against each other

However, the call by Gov. Mutfwang became the catalyst for the reconciliation of the three wise men. Overwhelmed in sadness and united by grief, the trio grand display of camaraderie and forgiveness, elicited by the sorrowful loss of Dariye’s parents, exemplified a shift from past disagreements, signalling a new dawn of unity and forgiveness.

Keeping to culture and tradition in display of statesmanship, the former Governor, Dariye heeded the governor’s clarion call and declared that “”I have made amends with Sen Lalong and Rt Hon Idris Ahmed Wase. Lalong is here, Maje is here, I want to tell you all we have reconciled, let’s all join hands for a greater Plateau”.

The declaration underscores an evolving political culture, where leaders heed to the philosophies of reconciliation, prioritising both their political maturity and their state’s interests. Strengthened by the emotional words of Gov Mutfwang, adoring forgiveness as the basis for an egalitarian society, the three men projected their wisdom in light of their proactive commitment to resolving their disagreements.

Their action of reconciliation turned a grieving gathering into a chronological milestone. It is emblematic of a story of greatness and transformation from political disparateness to a unified brotherhood intending to move towards political progress.

As Plateau State struggles with political disgruntlement occasioned by the State House of Assembly conflict, these leaders affirmed their commitment to reconcile past differences, thereby setting a model for wide-ranging harmony.

Through the lens of leadership, it acknowledged that individual transformation through forgiveness and reconciliation surpasses boundaries, resonating beyond personal disputes, emphasizing a progressive collective impact. Dariye, Lalong, and Wase’s reconciliation, spurred by Mutfwang’s admonition on forgiveness, grasps momentous prospect to inspire Plateau leaders and citizens to rise above party, ethnic and religious differences to their sense of progress towards a harmonious societal atmosphere.

Prominent personalities who gathered to pay their last respect according to www.pointblank.com.ng reporter include; Governor Caleb Manasseh Mutfwang who led other government functionaries, HRM Gyang Jacob Buba, The Gbong Gwom Jos and President, Plateau State Council of Chiefs and Emirs, Sen. Simon Lalong, Dame Pauline Tallen, Rt. Hon Idris Ahmed, former Deputy Speaker, House of Representatives and Sen Diket Plang among others.

Mutfwang midwifed it, Dariye reconciled with his political godsons and Plateau State won!

Summary Of Governor’s Mutfwang Pleasantries At The Funeral
The Nonagenarians Parents of Chief Joshua Dariye being lowered to their final resting abode
H.E Sen. Joshua and Chief Valentina Dariye at the funeral
The Reconciled Three Wise Men; Rt Hon Ahmed Idris Wase, H.E Joshua Chibi Dariye and Sen Simon Bako Lalong


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